
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014

Hello everyone! I'm Kenneth Pineda, most of you probably know me, if not I sit right in front of the class.

Here are some selfies with Mr. P

Mr. P thinking bout the next quiz

The first thing we did in class is give out hand-outs and worksheets from the people who were absent yesterday. It took a lot of our class time, so next time you miss a class make sure to see Mr. P beforehand. 

We also did another quiz today, I hope we all did well on that one.

After the quiz we had a quick review from yesterday's class.

We started a new topic, which is REFLECTION.

  • Reflection over x-axis
                         - make y values negative
                         - x axis stay the same
  • Reflection over y-axis
                         - make x values negative
                         - y values stay the same

We also went over different examples to better understand the concept of the new lesson.

Reflection over x-axis

Reflection over y-axis

Reflection over x-axis then y values are multiplied by -2

Reflection over both x-axis and y-axis

That's it!! Yay!

Don't forget about the Permutation, Combination and Binomial Theorem Unit Test on Friday...

XOXO Kenneth Pineda

1 comment:

  1. OHMYGOD. This is the most entertaining blog post ever.

    Why didn't we do this last semester?
