
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Logarithmic Functions

Hi there ! This is Jaspreet (:

Don’t worry this blog is going to be really short and to the point . I don’t know too much about the logarithmic functions but whatever I found out , I thought it would be useful to share it with you guys (:

Mr.P asked us 3 questions:

1) Why x>0 ?!?!?!?

2) Why c>0 ??!?!?!

3) Lastly why c≠1!?!?!?

This is a logarithmic function that we were looking at in class today,
                                                   f(x) = logcx

1) Logs are undefined for negative x or for x = 0. Therefore x have to be greater than 0.

2 &3) “C” is any value greater than 0, except 1 because when c=1, the graph is undefined.

 I'm sorry I cant explain everything completely but that’s all I got to know for now, so it’s all on Mr.P to add on and explain it better (:


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